Småland Airport
Småland Airport
Contact TWR
+46 (0)470 75 85 30
Contact ACR
Cecilia Aneskans
CO ATS Växjö
+46 (0) 708 50 08 23
Smaland Airport opened in 1975. Passenger numbers have varied between 150-276000 per year.
Airlines and destinations include Skyways to Arlanda, FlySmaland to Bromma, Cimber to Copenhagen, Ryanair to Düsseldorf, Alicante, Mallorca and seasonal charter destinations such as Cyprus, Mallorca, Crete, Turkey, Egypt and the Canary Islands.
The airport is also home to the Kronoberg Flying Club. The Kronoberghed Soaring Club mainly affects the TMA but the airport does have a fairly active UL flying club. ATS was first provided in the form of AFIS, later on as ATC through Luftfartsverket. On 1 March 2011 ACR took over the ATC operations.
The best navigational aid for landing rwy 19 is ILS, for rwy 01 only a LOC. ATS equipment includes RPU from Ronneby radar. Telecommunication is operated by Frequentis Technology and meteorological data is sent and received through AWOS.