Stockholm-Västerås Airport
Stockholm-Västerås Airport
Contact TWR
+46 (0)21 80 00 20
Contact CO ATS
Andreas Nyqvist
Chef ATS Västerås
+46 (0) 736 67 12 73
Stockholm-Västerås Airport (VST) is located near the E18, about 5 km east of Västerås City, beyond the Hälla shopping center. The distance to Stockholm is about 75 minutes by bus.
The airport has an annual passenger count of just more than 140,000, most of them to destinations within Europe.
Aviation grew in Västerås just after the First World War. It was initially a military testing site – Sweden F1 – the first Swedish airbase. The Swedish Air Force continued operations for about another 50 years, until 1983.
The legacy of aviation training lives on in Västerås through a secondary school program that includes flight training and commercial aviation training through OSM.